The rumors swirling around Michael Jackson's funerals continue. The latest news has a public ceremony in Neverland on Friday, followed by a likely private burial ceremony on Sunday--the site to be determined. The religion of Jackson at his death remains in question, although there are some indications that he may receive a Muslim funeral.
Eminent Muslim leaders are eager to welcome the King of Pop among their ranks. Here are some statements from well-known American Muslim leaders.
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf of the Zaytuna Institute:
"Given Michael’s reported conversion to Islam last year, Muslims count him as one of our own, and we pray that he can finally find the peace he never found in this world and that he is in a place, God willing, of mercy, forgiveness, and solace." [Full statement]
Siraj Wahhaj of of the Muslim Alliance in North America:
[Regarding the funeral services of Michael Jackson]
“Even if I stand in the back, I want to be there”. [Link]
Imam Johari Abdul Malik of Dar Al Hijrah Islamic Center:
"I pray that Allah will have mercy on his soul and grant the family some privacy as they make the plans for a Muslim funeral...I pray that Muslims will respond to this loss our brother in every loving way possible." [Full statement]
Imam Zaid Shakir of the Zaytuna Institute:
"Now Michael is gone. Hopefully, he had found peace in Islam. Hopefully, the tears he cried in the privacy of his oftentimes lonely world, tears described by Smokey Robinson as those of a clown, shed when no one’s around, had dried." [Full statement]
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, prolific author and Islamic teacher at Yale University:
"I gave a khutbah at a masjid yesterday, the second half of which was dedicated to the passing away of Michael Jackson." [Full statement]