Sunday, February 28, 2010

One World

Tokyo is the largest city in the world by a wide margin.  The metropolitan area population of Tokyo is 32.45 million which is approximately 12 million more people than the second largest city, Seoul.  If Tokyo was its own nation, it would be the 38th largest in the world--larger than Morocco, Iraq, Nepal, and Peru.  Tokyo is approximately the size of New York City and London--combined.  It's very big.

The twenty largest cities in the world are listed below.  China is home to three of them but its largest, Shanghai is only number 10.  India has three of the top twenty as well--Mumbai (5), Delhi (8), and Kolkata (14).  Japan and the United States also have two each. Asia hosts 13, North America 3, South America 2, Africa 1, and Europe 1.  Eleven serve as capital cities for their nations. Only three cities lie south of the equator--Jakarta (6), Sao Paulo (7), and Buenos Aires (17).  Interestingly, the population of New York City (4) is greater than that of the entire state of New York because the metropolitan area extends into both Connecticut and New Jersey. 

         City                                Population (Metropolitan Area)
1. Tokyo, Japan                                    32.45 M
2. Seoul, South Korea                            20.55 M
3. Mexico City, Mexico                          20.45 M
4. New York City, USA                           19.75 M
5. Mumbai, India                                  19.20 M
6. Jakarta, Indonesia                            18.90 M
7. Sao Paulo, Brazil                               18.85 M
8. Delhi, India                                       18.60 M
9. Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto, Japan                  17.38 M
10. Shanghai, China                              16.65 M
11. Manila, Phillipines                           16.30 M
12. Hong Kong-Shenzhen, China             15.80 M
13. Los Angeles, USA                             15.25 M
14. Kolkata, India                                  15.10 M
15. Moscow, Russia                               15.00 M
16. Cairo, Egypt                                    14.45 M
17. Buenos Aires, Argentina                   13.18 M
18. London, UK                                      12.89 M
19. Beijing, China                                  12.50 M
20. Karachi, Pakistan                             11.80 M


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