Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Pat Effing Buchanon makes sense?

This post originally appeared on the now defunct blog, Team Sakib.

by Patrick J. Buchanan - September 1, 2006

“President Likens Dewey to Hitler as Fascist Tool.”

So ran the New York Times headline on Oct. 26, 1948, after what Dewey biographer Richard Norton Smith called a “particularly vitriolic attack in Chicago” by Harry Truman.

What brings this to mind is President Bush’s assertion that we are “at war with Islamic fascism” and “Islamo-fascism.”

After the transatlantic bomb plot was smashed, Bush said the plotters “try to spread their jihadist message I call – it’s totalitarian in nature, Islamic radicalism – Islamic fascism; they try to spread it, as well, by taking the attack to those of us who love freedom.”

What is wrong with the term Islamo-fascism?

First, there is no consensus as to what “fascism” even means. Orwell said when someone calls Smith a fascist, what he means is “I hate Smith. ” By calling Smith a fascist, you force Smith to deny he’s a sympathizer of Hitler and Mussolini.

As a concept, writes Arnold Beichman of the Hoover Institution, “fascism … has no intellectual basis at all nor did its founders even pretend to have any. Hitler’s ravings in ‘Mein Kampf’ … Mussolini’s boastful balcony speeches, all of these can be described, in the words of Roger Scruton, as an ‘amalgam of disparate conceptions.’”

Richard Pipes considers Stalinism and Hilterism to be siblings of the same birth mother: “Bolshevism and fascism were heresies of socialism.”

Since the 1930s, “fascist” has been a term of hate and abuse used by the left against the right, as in the Harry Truman campaign. In 1964, Martin Luther King Jr. claimed to see in the Goldwater campaign “dangerous signs of Hitlerism.” Twin the words “Reagan, fascism” in Google and 1,800,000 references pop up.

Unsurprisingly, it is neoconservatives, whose roots are in the Trotskyist-social Democratic left, who are promoting use of the term. Their goal is to have Bush stuff al-Qaida, Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran into the same “Islamo-fascist” kill box, then let Strategic Air Command do the rest.

But the term represents the same lazy, shallow thinking that got us into Iraq, where Americans were persuaded that by dumping over Saddam, we were avenging 9/11.

But Saddam was about as devout a practitioner of Islam as his hero Stalin was of the Russian Orthodox faith. Saddam was into booze, mistresses, movies, monuments, palaces and dynasty. Bin Laden loathed him and volunteered to fight him in 1991, if Saudi Arabia would only not bring the Americans in to do the fighting Islamic warriors ought to be doing themselves.

And whatever “Islamo-fascism” means, Syria surely is not it. It is a secular dictatorship Bush I bribed into becoming an ally in the Gulf War. The Muslim Brotherhood is outlawed in Syria. In 1982, Hafez al-Assad perpetrated a massacre of the Brotherhood in the city of Hama that was awesome in its magnitude and horror.

As with Gadhafi, whom Bush let out of the penalty box after he agreed to pay $10 million to the family of each victim of Pan Am 103 and give up his nuclear program, America can deal with Syria as Israel did after the Yom Kippur War – for an armistice on the Golan that has stuck, as both sides have kept the deal.

America faces a variety of adversaries, enemies and evils. But the Bombs-Away Caucus, as Iraq and Lebanon reveal, does not always have the right formula. Al-Qaida, Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran all present separate challenges calling forth different responses.

Al-Qaida appears to exist for one purpose: Plot and perpetrate mass murder to terrorize Americans and Europeans into getting out of the Islamic world. Contrary to what Bush believes, the 9/11 killers and London and Madrid bombers were not out to repeal the Bill of Rights, if any ever read it. They are out to kill us, and we have to get them first.

Hamas and Hezbollah have used terrorism, but, like Begin’s Irgun and Mandela’s ANC, they have social and political agendas that require state power to implement. And once a guerrilla-terrorist movement takes over a state, it acquires state assets and interests that are then vulnerable to U.S. military and economic power.

Why did the ayatollah let the American hostages go as Reagan raised his right hand to take the oath of office? Why did Syria not rush to the rescue of Hezbollah? What did Ahmadinejad not rocket Tel Aviv in solidarity with his embattled allies in Lebanon? Res ipse loquitor. The thing speaks for itself. They don’t want war with Israel, and they don’t want war with the United States.

“Islamo-fascism” should be jettisoned from Bush’s vocabulary. It yokes the faith of a billion people with an odious ideology. Imagine how Christians would have reacted, had FDR taken to declaring Franco’s Spain and Mussolini’s Italy “Christo-fascist.”

If Bush does not want a war of civilizations, he will drop these propaganda terms that are designed to inflame passions rather than inform the public of the nature of the war we are in, and the war we are not in.

Monday, July 10, 2006

I am Zizou!

This post originally appeared on the now defunct blog, Team Sakib.

Above: Tipu Sultan wrestles a tiger. Below: Zizou headbutts Materrazi.

Zidane undoubtedly lost France the match. His snapping like that is inexcusable in almost every circumstance. There is one possibility where Zidane may well have been merited in putting that biggot on his back. Sherif and Shakeer will back me up on this from Messick's Muslim Societies class, specifically the unit on Algeria in France.

As we all know, racial tensions run high in Europe, between Muslims (Arabs, Turks, Africans or Pakistanis depending on the country) and the indigenous white Europeans. Before the World Cup, FIFA made combating racism an underlying theme for the World Cup, and even threatened forfeiture of matches for teams whose players or fans engaged in racist acts. Zidane himself has been at the center of this issue for the last decade. Undoubtedly the best soccer player ever to play for France, Zidane is a marketing icon in France and Nike and others have used him to push the "New France" image of racial integration, including the motto for the '98 France squad that Zidane carried to WC championship, "black, blanc and beur" (black, white and arab). Zidane's image as a ghetto born Algerian son of immigrants has not been with the clenched fist or with a defiant Allahu-Akbar, but rather the image has been of the ghetto child becoming France, an integrated, accepting and championship-winning France.

And yet, at his finest hour, at the top of his game, having scored one goal, and almost won the game on a second, Zidane still could not escape the "dirty terrorist" accusation. FIFA Player of the Decade, unanimously considered the 3rd best player (and best midfielder) in history, Zidane was nothing more than a "dirty terrorist" sand nigger. So much for "black, blanc, beur", for the Nike campaigns, for the image and the effort. So much for the "New France".
It is well known that Zidane has been extremely careful in downplaying his Muslim-ness, his politics, even his heritage, in hope that he could just play soccer. And yet the 2006 tournament MVP, simply couldn't just play soccer and escape the baggage. On the field, it was there. His home (Europe) continued to reject him, even as he transcended his game, his country, his continent, to be the best soccer player Europe has ever produced. In a tournament supposedly being played to create mutually understanding and harmony, hearing remarks like those Materazzi is accused off undermines and delegitimizes the whole endeavor. If the 1998 Cup was the symbol of the victory of multiculturalism, the fact that racism and xenophobia are now more prevalent in both Europe and in international soccer is the demise of both Europe and soccer as a positive force. And with the demise of soccer as a positive force, Zidane seemed to quit playing it. Maybe the most telling moment of the game was not the instant when Zidane headbutted Materrazi, but the split second when he, walking up the field, turned his back on the ball, stopped playing soccer and squared up the racist Italian. Maybe Zidane didn't let his country down as much as the game, with its false promise of growing equality and acceptance, let Zidane down. And let all of Europe down. Maybe the game simply wasn't worth playing anymore.

Zidane has yet to speak, but has plans to do so soon. Such deliberation doesn't bode well for the possibility that Zidane simply snapped. Maybe more is at work. Maybe soccer failed him, and his people, despite his world class efforts. I'm not saying that this was his conscience thought process, but I'm certain that this failure of soccer, the World Cup, dominance, recognition and fame to grant that which he and millions of other French minorities have been denied must have played a role in the split second dismissal of soccer from the equation of Zizou's decision making.

Zizou's story is important to each of us, the children of immigrants and converts to a foreign religion, because it is a part of our story. A story of questionable acceptance, doubt in human nature, faith in the system, and hope for a new paradigm tomorrow, where the margins become part of the page and slogans like "black, blanc, beur" shift from slick sneaker advertisements to constitutions, laws and societal conscience.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

the man vs. post-structuralism

This post originally appeared on the now defunct blog, Team Sakib.

dedicated to mohamed haroun

he sits in quiet
waiting to pounce
he lurks around me
privacy denounced
he is the system
and beneath the system
his power and anger boils
his greed much greater than cotton or gold or oil

he looks to steal the light out of souls
rip open your heart like the temple of doom
the ghost colored figure emotions of anguish, guilt, sorrow and pride
horrors not even capable of pharoan before his tomb

i sit alone across from his lair
he sits beside me
wind blowing his maine of golden hair
we ponder why he does it
and why i must resist
and why he must continue
why wont he cease and desist
but he is in his place, his role
and i am in mine
and we sit on these steps
sun dying with time

and we look to our left
we look to kent
and in the 5th floor window
we see the Indian Civ TA from tashkent
and in the window below his
we see our buddy Foucault
Michael greets us
he begins with, "Hello"

F-man is quite big here
Eddy made him so
He subverts my companion
who has become a bit slow
but often they seem chummy
Michael and the Man
as if ambiguity and civil rights
go hand-in-hand
but I look to wise Foucault
for the answers that lay beneath
why the man and I sit here in quiet
with our passions, ambitions and future underneath

sakib, you know the drill
you and he are in constructed roles
and if the construct were different
you would both switch souls
with his soul the rebel
and yours the oppressor
with both of you swapped
and no one the better

i say you frenchie this nihilism is mad whack,
your theories and methods are better than that

how would you know sakib?
did you read my book?

well frog, i listened in class
and my engineering degree is proof
reading is a pain in the ass
but semantics aside, isn't it you
who says there's more to me than construction
that my soul holds something true

and with those words
kent falls dark
the TA falls asleep
and the man turns out to be a farse
i sit there now alone
everything deconstructed
alone with my soul
no man, no ideology, no steps, no oppression
just me

i am all i have
my only evidence is me
and all i can think of is
"There is no God but Thee"

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

The Game Thickens, Sickens: Denmark, Cartoons, Iran and O-I-L

A version of this post originally appeared on the now defunct blog, Team Sakib.

It seems the entirety of the relevant Muslim world is flipping out over the cartoons printed months ago in a Danish newspaper demeaning the Prophet (pbuh).

This Wikipedia summary
provides an approximate chronology. The thing blew up when the Danish government was asked to either censure the paper or issue an apology by several Muslim governments, and it refused. Now Danish embassies are being bombed and closed throughout the Middle East and in Pakistan and other Euros are at threat too.

Muslims have to realize, we can't expect enemies to deal with us civilly. The barbaric, uncivilized types that run conservative, xenophobic, European newspapers are the same types that run conservative, xenophobic, American media outlets. You will not get Michael Savage to apologize for hating on Islam, because Michael Savage hates Islam.

My friend, OS, brought this article to my attention today in the Guardian. In it, a European Muslim group accuse the Danish newspaper of having a "double standard" because it refused to publish a cartoon demeaning Prophet Isa (p) (Jesus in whitey's speak) three years earlier. The paper gave a straight reason why it refused to publish the Jesus cartoon:

I don't think Jyllands-Posten's readers will enjoy the drawings. As a matter of fact, I think that they will provoke an outcry. Therefore, I will not use them.

Furthermore, Jyllands-Posten stated that the Jesus cartoons were unsolicited and the Mohammed (pbuh) cartoons were drawn upon request by the paper. This provides a very simple explanation for why the cartoons were published.
The newspaper's editors felt the Mohammed (pbuh) cartoons would be enjoyable to their readership and would not provoke their target readership to outcry. Given that the newspaper aims to sell to right-wing, Christian, xenophobic, Islamphobic Eurotrash, this seems like sound marketing logic.

The Muslim group's objections are meritless and frivolous. They are analogous to accusing the Ku Klux Klan of having a double standard for lynching black men and not white men.

SakibKh (12:29:27 PM): its like asking the klan to apologize for lynching black ppl
OS (12:29:31 PM): hahahaahahahahaah
SakibKh (12:29:33 PM): and not poor white ppl
OS (12:29:35 PM): yeah
OS (12:29:41 PM): or asking why ******************************
SakibKh (12:30:08 PM): its like "the klan rejected the proposal to lynch earl, a poor white man living in a trailor park three years earlier"
SakibKh (12:30:42 PM): the grand wizard said "lynching earl would have been offensive to many klan members. it would not have been enjoyable"
SakibKh (12:31:16 PM): "we solicited n*****s to lynch" the wizard added "that's the difference between the two cases. earl was completely unsolicited"
OS (12:32:40 PM): just put this on ure blog
SakibKh (12:32:44 PM): civil rights activist kanye titta asked, "how can the klan distinguish between the two cases? this smacks of a double standard"
SakibKh (12:32:51 PM): i might
OS (12:32:57 PM): yah
SakibKh (12:33:35 PM): i smell a masterpiece entry coming up
SakibKh (12:33:38 PM): titled:
SakibKh (12:33:47 PM): BREAKING NEWS: Europe is Racist, Anti-Muslim
OS (12:34:03 PM): no no
OS (12:34:17 PM): breaking news: Muslims: You're Being Racist
SakibKh (12:34:22 PM): ?
OS (12:34:24 PM): Europe: We don't give a f***
OS (12:34:28 PM): ps-we hate you and leave our countries

Anywho, for all of those people out there who want to be quick to condemn the Muslims burning and rioting at the Danish and Austrian Embassies across the world, I say screw condemnation. The only use condemnation will have is to "show them that we are not like that". They think that our beloved Prophet (pbuh) was a psycho with a bomb in his turban, bent on killing and maiming. Astughfurullah!

Do I have any concern with the protection of Danish property? No, Mr. Salafi, I don't. Mr. Salafi has been very upset about the uproar and the incursion upon property rights by Muslims in this whole affair. According to him, property rights are sacred in Islam and should not be violated and that Muslims should not concern themselves with the doings of the Kaafir (infidels in whitey's speak). Mr. Salafi, I say to hell with the brush strokes, I will focus on the entirety of this Monet. The Danes want to provoke a fight? (And by the government's crass reaction, it is possible they do) Then let them have the hell that they've created. It certainly won't take me 3 excuses to forgive my brothers in Beirut and Cairo and Islamabad, much less 70.

Of course, Iran has an appropriate response. An Iranian newspaper is holding a contest on "Holocaust Cartoons" to test the West's tolerance for free speech. Obviously, clever, well planned, and also offensive. Iran is proving itself as a land of civil libertarians. Someday, I need to make a list of Iran's greatest hits. This would rank up there, along with their response after 9/11, when the Iranian government condemned all terrorism, especially the Zionist plots to bring down the World Trade Center. Iran pledged to help the US in any way possible to strike back at Israel for 9/11. CLASSIC.

But the end game of this all is possibly expressed by a incredulous Russian politician. This dude is theorizing that:
  1. The US is attacking Iran on the day of the Israeli elections, March 28th.
  2. The cartoons explosion (caused by the very very very late non-apology by the Danish PM) is part of an American plot to create a division between Europe and the Islamic world and make Europe more inclined towards war.
  3. Russia should remain relatively indifferent, but show marginal support for the Muslims against the US/KKK/EU alliance.
Wow. It certainly is true that the US is benefiting from all this unrest in Europe. The Americans can make the Euros look at Muslims as a short-term nuisance that can be exterminated, and make them forget about OIL DEPENDENCE and US/EU competition. Classic diversionary advantage. I'm not saying there's a conspiracy, but I am saying that Dubya/Cheney/Zionists/Exxon-Mobile is the benefactor.


Sunday, February 5, 2006

Desi Futures Gone Up in Smoke?

This post originally appeared on the now defunct blog, Team Sakib.

It seems like whenever I someone asks me if I smoke hookah, my response is an instant conversation killer. So I don't smoke hookah, I've never tried it and I really feel no impulse to do so. Why is that so alienating to most 19-22 year old Desi kids?

Look, I lived in a virtual smoker's den. I spent a full year chillin in clouds of second hand, riding the sheesha hangouts as a "hangout killing hanger-on". I've seen enough bowls be packed to replicate it so its not harsh (I think so at least), and I know that 1 and 1/2 coals is the ideal placement for most large hookahs. I've seen the effects of ice chambers and I know the tongue motion to produce rings (but not hearts).

But the whole culture is still not appealing. It's too much of a social crutch. It's too easy to fall into the trap, where time flies by and your conscious is lost. It's like thefacebook.com, just with tobacco.

Do I feel that those who smoke are bad people? Not in the least. Smoking hookah is the least thing someone can do and its debatable as to whether its haraam/mukhrooh/etc. Those who smoke surely don't think they're engaging in haraam, and thus you really can't blame them for much.

But then why does my personal choice not to smoke lead to the inevitable "oh"? Is it guilt in people? Do people think I'm an uptight prude? Or is it that I might kill a potential hangout by not being down w/ an outting to the hookah bar? "Better not call Sakib, then we can't go to Casbah". Hmmm... Mad curious on this one.

People don't like leaving comments on the blog, but if you're feeling courageous, chime in on this question:

Do you think my choice not to smoke is adversely affecting my social life?

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Famous "Uncle Ji" Post

A version of this post originally appeared on the now defunct blog, Team Sakib.

"omes" (1:12:59 PM):this is the best thing i've ever read
"omes" (1:13:03 PM):this should be published
"omes" (1:13:49 PM):this guy is insane
"omes" (1:12:42 PM): classic
"omes" (1:12:44 PM): hahahahahahaa
"omes" (1:12:54 PM): hahahahahahahahahaha

Saad: I wonder who is having more fun in this dialogue. Though I suspect there is a serious and ill intentioned purpose behind his initial communication.

Athar: LMAO

Sania: rotfl
Sania: Dude, if this limo ever shows up, I want in ;).

Adil: [The] emails to are hilarious. Keep it up.

Salaam Y'all,

A little taste of what I'll miss when I'm no longer MSA President:
It gets REALLY good about 3 emails in.


----- Original Message -----
From: ******** ************** *********@************
Date: Saturday, January 28, 2006 12:33 am
Subject: FWD: MSA Web Comments

timestamp=Fri Jan 27 21:31:11 2006
school=Not a Columbia student
comments=I want to apply to Columbia , Please provide me the mailing
list, would like to contact your members and know about their

The preceding message was sent by a Web user on Fri Jan 27 21:31:11 2006

----- Original Message -----
From: ************** *********** ************@*************
Date: Saturday, January 28, 2006 12:33 am
Subject: Re: MSA Web Comments

Unfortunately, it is not our policy to provide our members' contact information. Feel free, however, to look up a member of the MSA board on the website <http://www.columbia.edu/cu/msa/welcome.shtml> to ask specific questions. Please keep in mind that people are less likely to be able to answer a question about their experience in general, as it varies from each person and it is difficult to detail everything
Good luck.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: abdal@optonline.net <abdal@optonline.net>
Date: Jan 28, 2006 10:03 PM
Subject: Re: MSA Web Comments
To:*************** ********* *********@***************


With apologies to you for the imposition upon your time, I was only
hoping for you to extend a modicum of courtesy perhaps returning a
fraction of that which I have extended to our communities to advance
our cause. I will be applying to all the ivy colleges, but before I do
that I would like to get a feedback from a cross section of enrolled
students of their personal experiences , other universities such as
MIT , Harvard , Yale etc has provided me with all their member list of
MSA for me to communicate. We live in an open society and secrecy in
Islam is forbidden. Do not send me through the long circuitous route
of going through a list of individual enrolled students and sorting
their names out. Your time and attention to this matter is once again
indulged with reluctance and always appreciated. AA

----- Original Message -----

From: Sakib
Date: Sunday, January 29, 2006 8:13 am Subject: Re: MSA Web Comments

Assalamu Alaikum Nameless Muslim,

If "secrecy is forbidden in Islam", then why have you not chosen to reveal your own identity in your exceptionally rude dealings with the Public Relations Officer? I will make du'a that Allah (swt) helps you improve your adhab (manners).
The Muslim Students Association WILL NOT release a list of its members without a subpoena ordering us to do so. We live in a country and in an era when Muslims are unfairly targeted and discriminated against and we will not aid anyone in identifying who in Columbia is Muslim and non-Muslim for the purposes of discrimination. Your request is highly unfair. What I would recommend you do when you do email MSAs is simply email the "msa@" alias and ask for the experiences of a few members of executive boards of the MSAs. That is a reasonable and polite request. Fighting with MSA executive boards to try and secure a list of all Muslims on a campus is neither polite nor reasonable.
And also, in correspondence, always clearly reveal your own identity, For all I know, you could be a member of the Ku Klux Klan trying to get a list of Muslims to lynch. Anonymous correspondence is both dangerous and quite rude.

To answer your question, I have very much enjoyed my experience at Columbia. I am an undergrad at the engineering school and feel like the school has challenged me and put me in an environment where I expect myself to preform higher because of the quality of my peers.

May Allah (swt) aid you in your search to peacefully and properly inquire about colleges,


On 1/29/06, abdal@optonline.net <abdal@optonline.net> wrote:



In the interest of candor and full disclosure and in trying to unwrap the riddle , once again I AM being subjected to unflattering gratuitous comments and unfetterred personal attacks in response to a couteous , professional inquiry . Unfortunately by this point , I am not surprised by your utter lack of courtesy and abjest lack of decorum.

Your response is an INSCRIPTION, A SELF – CONSCIOUS STATEMENT preserved for POSTERITY. Enough of the dog and pony show , cynical manipulation , throwing wrenches.

What is in a name that which we call a rose may smell as sweet if given any other name. Our blessed prophet was surrounded with hypocrites and traitors, but he founded a religion that now encompasses 1/3rd of huminaity with 80 % of oil and the largest population of PHD's in hard sciences. It is all about " Niyat" brother. Like to quote Mark Twain - " It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubts" . ( Not directed against you) . Allah knows my identity since my niyat is clean. My Kids were born here in the US and destined for greatness, due to my own personal struggle. I will give you the detail when I send you my limo to pick you and and a group from MSA to my mansion close to you. I will serve you lamb biryani ( spicy or mild) marinated in sumptious sauce and then you will know my true identity. Please get a few sisters since my oldest kid is a daughter, my second one is a son , Omer whom you would love to meet , we call him Salauddin, in the making, my daughter jokingly refers him as destined to eat bananas.

Please respond.

On 1/29/06, Sakib wrote:

walaikum assalaam anonymous muslim dude,

please send a sample of said lamb biryani to the MSA office at 102 Earl Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 for testing. If biryani quality is sufficient, my cohorts and myself may agree to embark upon an expedition to said mansion.

jazakullah kheyr for your offer of hospitality,


On 1/29/06, abdal@optonline.net <abdal@optonline.net> wrote:

You still seem to be trivializing my message. I am not a dude , but old enough to be your father. Every Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, accept the invitation and I will open the gates of heaven for you after you will find out what I have singlehandedly achieved in the post 9/11 environment which scares you a great deal. I was discriminated myself but chose to fight back rather than cower like other self proclaimed leaders of Islam who advance only their own self self serving agendas in their dollar obssessed world. I have changed the world and I will prove it to you with my papers.

Please accept the invitation , my limo is standing by . If you think this is a joke than kindly forward my email to other members who are less presumptious and stringent in their views.

----- Original Message -----

From: Sakib Date: Sunday, January 29, 2006 12:04 pm Subject: Re: MSA Web Comments walaikum assalaam uncle ji,
why do you think i have trivialized your matter? i simply requested a sample. You are a man of mansions and limos and papers, you have
changed the world, surely you can produce but a sample of lamb biryani, spicy, in sumptuous sauce. as to your claim of being able to open the gates of heaven, let's steer away from shirk. astughfurullah. as for the limo, i fear we may not all fit in the limo. if it is not too much trouble, a chartered jet would be more appropriate.


On 1/29/06, abdal@optonline.net <abdal@optonline.net> wrote:

After you committ to your zakat, Allah does not stop you from indulging in Limos and mansions or jets for that matter , and I have one too , but there are no airfields in Columbia to accomodate the landing of my jet and the closest airport is in Teterboro where my jet is parked. You will show me more respect when you truly know me. You are young and raw like my son , but a lot more unwavering in insults , not a good trait of a leader. Please forward my message to others in MSA , I have to catch a flight tonight to Zurich for a bankers meeting. Short on time. AA

On 1/29/06, Sakib wrote:
walaikum assalaam non-salaaming uncle ji,
I apologize if you feel insulted, but at no point in time have I ever done anything but respond to you with directness and utmost seriousness. Allah (swt) has blessed you with the means for jets and mansions and limos and biryani, and at no point in time have I criticized you for any of that.
Your message has been forwarded to others.

On 1/29/06, abdal@optonline.net wrote:

I have tested your mettle and you have a long way to go in maintaining composure , the trait that our SAW possesed . But you are improving and I thank you young man for showing the courtesy of forwarding my messages to other members. On my way to Zurich if I get a chance I will reply on my black berry. The Limo can accomodate upto 8 adults. I do not have a stretch one at the moment , I hope this one will be enough to accomodate all those interested. Since it is difficult to guage the seriousness of someone you are not acquainted with over the internet, I do not blame you entirely. But pls take my offer, my kids will be very thankful for Ivy leaguers showing up at the door and providing guidance as to the Islamic atmosphere of the university. Allah' s blessings.AA

From: Sakib
Date: Jan 29, 2006 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: MSA Web Comments
To: "abdal@optonline.net"

Assalamu Alaikum Anonymous Uncle,

There is no plausible scenario in which MSA members or board members will be asked to get into some unknown vehicle to be transported to some unknown location. Guantanamo Bay is scary enough, we need not worry about white supremacist Jeffrey Dahlmers. If you want to send your son and daughter in the limo to Columbia to meet with us, I feel we would welcome that opportunity.

...Speaking about your daughter, how old is she? Is she single? Is she as mysterious and secretive as her father? If she is atleast moderately religious, enjoys long walks on the beach and watching men watch football, has skin the color of the marble at Badshai Masjid, eyes like the sky over lake Saif-ul-Maluk and a face like a rose from Andalucia, I may be keen on her. I would also be keen if she bears any remote resemblance to Aishwariya Rai.

I am a 21 year old practicing Muslim with arms the size of bazukas and legs to make Atlas shrug. I'm also overweight, on crutches, an average student and, apparently, I "have trouble maintaining my composure", am "unwaivering in my insults" of random nameless uncles, and a "poor leader". Please let me know if your daughter is interested.

Jazakullah Kheyr,


On 1/29/06, abdal@optonline.net

You caught me in my first hour of flight ove the Atlantic. Good idea , I will send my son and daughter to meet your members and when you are comfortable you can all come over. My daughter is both a beauty and a brain. She has the beauty of Cleopatra and the brain of a demon, but be careful she knows Karate too. Post 9/11 she was being harassed in school by a few imbeciles , and she struck a blow so hard that it left the principal speechless. Ok dinner is being served, and I will be in video conference for a few hours. AA

From: Sakib
Date: Jan 30, 2006 12:10 AM
Subject: Re: MSA Web Comments
To: "abdal@optonline.net"

Salaam Uncle Ji,

Your karate chopping daughter dually interests and frightens me. I am sorry to hear that your daughter is victim to Jinn Possession. Insha'Allah, soon she can get the help that she needs. We would all appreciate it if you could send a batch of your million dollar biryani along with your beautiful--even if slightly demonic--children.

Enjoy your videoconference and have a safe journey,

In other news:
Sakib (3:49:26 PM) : any idea who abdal from long island is?
"Zahira" (3:51:27 PM) : hmm
"Zahira" (3:51:30 PM) : well my dad
"Zahira" (3:51:31 PM) : and funnily
"Zahira" (3:51:36 PM) : i have a brother named Omar
Sakib (3:51:38 PM) : whoa
"Zahira" (3:51:39 PM) : who we call salauddin
Sakib (3:51:43 PM) : no way
Sakib (3:51:50 PM) : ...
Sakib (3:51:59 PM) : umm...
Sakib (3:52:07 PM) : wow- this is now very awkward...
"Zahira" (3:52:25 PM) : yeah..
"Zahira" (3:52:28 PM) : strange, huh?

"Zahira" (3:56:28 PM) : no i have an older sister
Sakib (3:56:48 PM) : does she say omar is destined to eat bananas?
"Zahira" (3:56:55 PM) : yeap-!
"Zahira" (3:56:57 PM) : well she used t
Sakib (3:57:01 PM) : ...
"Zahira" (3:57:10 PM) : it kinda grew old
"Zahira" (3:57:14 PM) : we moved into a really big house
"Zahira" (3:57:24 PM) : and we just don't see so much of 1 another anymore
"Zahira" (3:57:28 PM) : and erm
"Zahira" (3:57:32 PM) : my last name is habib
Sakib (3:57:39 PM) : yes
"Zahira" (3:57:40 PM) : like habib bank ag zurich
Sakib (3:58:37 PM) : haha- funny
Sakib (3:58:44 PM) : private jet zahira?
"Zahira" (3:59:06 PM) : not for personal use
Sakib (3:59:21 PM) : i see
Sakib (3:59:32 PM) : so- does your older sister resemble aishy?
"Zahira" (3:59:43 PM) : ?
"Zahira" returned at 3:59:56 PM.
Sakib (3:59:59 PM) : aishwariya
Sakib (4:00:02 PM) : duh
"Zahira" (4:00:22 PM) : haha
"Zahira" (4:00:31 PM) : no but my younger sister does

-----Original Message-----
From: abdal@optonline.net [mailto:abdal@optonline.net]
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 10:53 AM
To: Taaha [FIN]
Subject: Re: RE: MSA Web Comments

Hello Beta: AA

My meeting will be over in a few hours in Zurich, I am at Bahnhofstraus overlooking the Alps, Jannat this is. If you are so obssesed with my daughter send me your picture and I promise I will give you a fair evaluation. Right now there are over 18 suitors standing in line and the line is getting longer. Are you a Paki or a Hindustani , send me a few reference with your parents name address and telephone #. When are u graduating ? Where have you decided to work ? I know you said engineering , but what branch, Inshallah it is all about kismat , you could very well be my future son in law. I will be landing in roughly 12 hours, I will arrange for my son to see you. My daughter cannot meet you , since it is forbidden in Islam for unmarried opp, sex to mingle and mangle, u see I am very conservative , eventhough I came to the US. as a teenager and went thru American H.S and university very close to yours. AA

From: Sakib
Date: Jan 30, 2006 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: FW: RE: MSA Web Comments
To: "abdal@optonline.net"

Walaikum Assalaam Uncle Ji,

I am quite flatterred by your entertainment of my rishta for your daughter. To answer your questions, I am of Pakistani origin, a full blooded Punjabi. To be exactly precise I am 25% Lahori, 25% Amritsari and 50% Jalandari. Insha'Allah, I am scheduled to graduate in May of 2007. I would like to attend Law School upon graduation and get a job with a law firm in the United States. I am currently studying for the LSAT.

I feel there has been a miscommunication. I intended to formally withdraw my proposal for your daughter when I found out that she has been possessed by a Jinn. Additionally, I find long lines to be quite nauseating, especially in these circumstances. I am trying to get married, not ride Nitro for the 3852779455th time at Six Flags. I will refrain from sending you a picture of myself or my parent's contact info, because given your daughter's unforunate state, your family may be victim to black magic. I will go to any means necessary to protect my family from such.

You mentioned you attended a college not far from mine. Would you care to discuss your college experiences? I love talking to uncles about their younger days.

Enjoy the Alps, I've heard its absolutely heavenly. I would still like to meet your son, and taste your spicy biryani sauce ;).


From: abdal@optonline.net
Date: Jan 30, 2006 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: FW: RE: MSA Web Comments
To: Sakib

It appears you are obssesed with the Jinn stuff, it is an expression in America to describe something exceptionally good. Like Jackson dances like a demon. . Punjabi's are out of question, due to their arrogant worthless qualities. Read Eric Margolis's book " War on top of the world"which is #3 on the best seller and you will get a true reading of what a Punjabi is from a foreigner who is objective, they are greedy thieving good for nothing retards with overinflated egos, no wonder Pakistan has no industries. Only PIA also called " PLEASE INFORM ALLAH" or " PUNJABI INTERNATIONAL AIRLINE" If it were not for my ansectors since Auranzeb's time Pakistan would never have been created. It was created with the ingenuity of Indian Muslims from U.P. India. The brains of Pakistan happen to be Memons, again from India. No one in Pakistan from the Pushtuns to Sindhis to Baluchis and ofcourse Mohajirs like Punjabis. They just happen to be sitting on the land that was created by my parents and great grand parents and call it all theirs. Punjabis are a reason why East Pakistanis wanted independence and they got it. Yahya Khan never stopped raping Bengali women. Now Bangladesh in 30 short years is LEAP YEARS of Pakistan in every field , despite India opening the floodgates. No offense Saqib but I prefer that my kids deal with someone from India , the Chemistry will be right. If you care than please forward me a name. Oh A.Q. Khan the most revered Pakistani scientist also is an Indian and not a Punjabi.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sakib
Date: Jan 31, 2006 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: FW: RE: MSA Web Comments
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To: "abdal@optonline.net" <abdal@optonline.net>

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Walaikum Assalaam Faithless, Ethnocentric, Eurocentric Uncle Tom Ji,

Your opinions are not surprising giving the level of ease with which you dismiss your daughter's demonic qualities to Western virtue instead of properly attributing it to the unknown realm of the Jinn. Uncle, from your takes on Jinn, to Pakistan, to Punjabis, you make it clear that you are no doubt an uncle... an Uncle Tom.
Your reference to our Muslim brother Michael Jackson dancing like a demon is the first evidence. Primarily, again, you ignore the fact that Jackson is, in fact, possessed by a Jinn. No human could possibly be that smooth. He has superhuman powers. He must be from beyond our realm. His troubles with behaviour and physical appearance are further testament. Beyond that, you choose a negro to represent dancing. How racist is that, Uncle Tommy?
Your intense anti-punjabi sectionalism is a clear sign of porch monkey syndrome. British divide and conquer tactics have left their mark upon the psyche of our subcontinent and drones of whitey's society still player hate like massa'h saab taught them. At the peak of British rule in India, only a few thousand bureaucrats, backed by only a few tens of thousands of troops locked down a continent of hundreds of millions with opposing armies number in the millions. The stratagem was to pit desi against desi, muslim against hindu, muslim against muslim, rich against poor, punjabi against urdu speaking to take hard and battle tested, uppity field slaves and neutralize, domesticate and neuter them into the house slaves, the descendants of which are modern desi tools.
Your deferral to a white man as the ultimate authority on South Asian ethnic status is disgusting and appalling of a man of your supposed high moral character and dedication to civil and minority rights. Eric Margolis's book is a book about the war over Kashmir between Pakistan and India. May I remind you that a key player in that war, mastermind of the not-so-masterfully-minded Kargill operation was none other than General Pervaiz Musharraff. Yes, the internationally known military dictator/President/Chief of Army Staff/hater of Islam/Ataturk worshipper/George Bush puppet/filthy dog enthusiast is one of the brightest of the Muhajir community.
Punjabis may have contributed to the East Pakistani independence movement, but Urdu-speaking Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was a key factor in the whole turn of events. If not for Bhutto's stubbornness, Mujibur Rahman would probably have received the office he was elected to, and Pakistan might still be whole. Silly Bhutto...
You bland, Urdu-speaking, non-Punjabis can have Zulfi, Mushy Dogg, and even AQ (although AQ did hold it down). I'll take Abrar, tandoori rotti, bhangra and Lahori Broast over all of that any day.

Nach Punjabun Nach!


From: abdal@optonline.net
Date: Jan 31, 2006 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: FW: RE: MSA Web Comments
To: Sakib

I find this to be interesting discourse between a jet setting banker and a college kid, but I like it , you are intelligent and frank, and open to criticism but your assertions will take more than a grain of salt to be believed, since you are quoting from the history book rather than first hand eperience. It is Kafkaesque! Vitriolic, vituperative and virulent in your defense of vain Punjabi pride. Scurrillous , surreptitious and spurious ! The British are long gone. They divided India too, but Indians come together for their cause. Bhutto was a Sindhi if you have forgotten, and his daughter stole $ 3 billion from an impoverished nation and also gave out all of the nation's secret. The ultimate warrior of Pakistan , Zia was mysteriously killed and she quitely took over power. Yahya Khan raping Bengali women was the chief cause of creation of Bangladesh. Pakistan has only been able to survive on dole out. If it were not the brain of Memons the nation would have been long gone with their obssesion with drama serial nonsensical diatribes, where Punjabis can be seen giving orders to do Mafia hit. Why does everyone hate Punjabis in Pakistan. Nothing happens in a vacuum. In the last 60 years Punjabis have not even created a single industry anything close to the Indians, except for the brain of AQ, nothing nothing. Just raping, murder and mayhem and Ofcourse PIA , Please inform Allah. I have a meeting now to attend. When you are done with your law degree send me your resume , if I can use u.

From: Sakib
Date: Jan 31, 2006 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: FW: RE: MSA Web Comments
To: "abdal@optonline.net"

Anonymous Person,

This email exchange has been exhilirating. If you do not already
know, it has resulted in the creation of an almost cult culture. The
emails have been published (your identity being anonymous rendered no
need for confidentiality) and the reviews have been rave. If you
would ever like to hang out or meet me, that would be excellent. I,
and about 20-30 other people who have complemented your writing, humor
and witt, would all love the opportunity to have dinner with you.
The British are gone, but colonialism lingers. There has been no
slavery in the US for 150 years, but slave culture still thrives. It
enslaves those who never experienced the actual enslavement. India is
not a perfect system, nor is it a proper comparison for the model that
is Pakistan. Pakistan is an experiment with few counterparts. The
closest comparison is Israel. Israel has achived what it has achived
through a diabolical diaspora and the support of major world powers.
Pakistan, without that help, can list itself in one of the top 40 or
50 most powerful nations in a 180 nation world.

Pakistan Zindabad! Punjab Hamara Dil!

I would really like to get to know you man. It has been Kafkaesque.
